Effective Ways To Easily Take Care Of Your Teeth

Ghazal Kainat
4 min readJun 5, 2021



The mouth is the gate to our entire body system. It can be a gate for a lot of germs into our bodies as well. Teeth being the primary components of our mouth, not only help us in chewing food but also blessed us with the power of speaking. These are the principal reasons behind our beautiful smile and face shape.

We all are well aware of the importance of oral hygiene. But maintaining healthy teeth is not a matter of just a few months. It requires a healthy daily routine and a balanced diet. Otherwise, it would be a house of millions of germs and cavities that will also ruin our overall health.

Following are some of the healthy ways to take care of your teeth easily:

Always Brush Your Teeth Before Bed

Do you know the advantages of brushing before going to bed? If No, then let me tell you. It is generally recommended to brush twice a day. Once early in the morning and secondly before going to bed.

Whenever you eat something during the day, some of it gets deposited in teeth spaces. This deposited food acts as a nutritional medium for the growth of germs. Plaque also deposits over teeth due to stuck food particles.

So brushing before going to bed is good for dental health. It helps to remove the stuck food particles. Thus preventing germ growth and also plaque formation.

Brush Properly

There is a huge difference between brushing twice and brushing properly. If you are doing it twice, but not doing it properly then you are just wasting your time. Follow the proper protocols. Brushing requires proper time and also a specific pattern.

You are required to move the brush over and around your teeth in every direction for at least two minutes. So that no plaque or any food particle is left behind. Irregular and speedy brushing leads to plaque deposition in teeth, which may cause inflammation of gums later on.

Floss Regularly

Even after brushing 40% of our teeth, surfaces remain untouched. Some of the food particles remain attached to our teeth. These particles can not be removed even after brushing and using mouthwash. For their removal, proper flossing at least once a day is recommended.

Flossing can be a strenuous activity for children or people with arthritis. But don’t let these difficulties stop flossing your teeth. You can use ready-to-use flossers available from a medical store.

Use A Good Quality Mouth Wash

How important is mouthwash for your dental health? If you know how to use mouthwash, then it is the best thing for oral hygiene. Mouthwash generally has varying compositions and performs some vital functions in the oral cavity.

Firstly, it prevents acidity inside the oral cavity, which may otherwise lead to stomatitis. Second, several areas are not reachable for brush, so mouthwash is preferable. Third, it maintains oral hygiene because it is rich in minerals such as fluoride.

Avoid Sugary Products And Smoking

Sugary products are considered poison for oral hygiene. If sugary products are not followed by the proper brushing then dental health is at great risk. Sugar is the best medium for germ growth in the oral cavity. These germs lead to infection-causing stomatitis and gingivitis. Hence tooth health and overall health of the entire oral cavity are compromised.

Similarly, smoking develops hypoxia in the general bloodstream. There will be no proper oxygen supply to teeth, so they degrade more quickly. Smoking is a major contributor to worsening any dental infection.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Besides following all these precautions and healthy habits, visiting the dentist timely is also important. Visiting your dentist once in 6 months helps your problems be checked and treated on time. It provides you a chance to get a checkup from one of the expert dentists and get your dental treatments done efficiently.

Teeth are a great blessing for living a beautiful and healthy life. To take care of them will spare us just a few minutes each day. But doing this can save our body from a lot of dangerous diseases. Not only from a health perspective, but good oral hygiene also gives you the confidence to smile and speak boldly. Teeth care does not mean you just have to brush your teeth twice a day. It is about adopting a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and regular dental checkups.

