5 Ways To Improve Gut Health Without Using Drugs

Ghazal Kainat
3 min readJan 22, 2021


Self care is not Selfish.

You must have heard ‘all diseases begin in the gut’. It’s absolutely true. Gut refers to the gastrointestinal tract that starts from the mouth and ends at anus. It is not only involved in the breakdown, absorption, and excretion of the food but also in the immune response of the body. With an upset stomach, you can’t live a healthy life.

GI tract harbors 200 to 300 different species of bacteria including both good and bad bacteria. Some external factors can disturb the balance of gut microbial flora. This would be dangerous for the digestive system that affects your overall health and fitness.

Given below are some natural ways to improve your gut health at home:

1. Increase Uptake Of High-fiber Food

We all are well aware of the benefits of good health one can achieve by eating a vegetarian diet. Fresh leafy vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber content. Fiber plays a vital role in increasing the number and efficacy of good bacteria in GIT.

2. Take Enough Sleep

The sleep cycle affects our digestive system and body weight. Not getting enough sleep increases the risk of obesity that disturbs our gut health to a great extent. For a fit and healthy stomach, one must get 7–8 hours of sleep a day.

3. Avoid Stress

There is a famous saying “There’s no magic diet that works”. Yes, it’s not only the right diet but mental health is also important for a healthy gut. A person who takes too much stress not only deteriorates his mental health but also the gut.

A study shows that stress exposure affects microbial flora of the colon that are beneficial for health. The reduction of these bacteria produces a great impact on the digestive system.

4. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking plenty of water keeps your body hydrated. It is beneficial for a healthy digestive system. It improves the mucosal lining of the stomach and helps to recover it from damage. Drinking excess water also maintains a balance of good and bad bacteria in the stomach.

5. Limit The Use Of Sugar

Reduce the use of excess sugar and artificial sweeteners in your diet. It may disturb the normal balance of gut flora that damage the gut health. Also, the artificial sweeteners negatively affect blood glucose level by disturbing the microbial flora.

Bottom Line

Everyone wants to live a healthy life. It greatly depends on your diet and gut health. Try to adopt a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet to live a prosperous life.

