4 Interesting Things About Alexander Parrot You Would Love To Know

Ghazal Kainat
3 min readFeb 12, 2021


If you are a pet lover specifically parrots, the alexandrine parrot would be the best choice for you. It is one of the popular pets well known for its intelligence, surprisingly superb talking abilities and adorable beauty.

Named after Alexander the Great, who used to have many of these as his favourite pet birds. This is because of its graceful royal personality and exceptional qualities that make it favourite among other pet parrots. It shares a special bond with the owner and his family. This makes it not just a pet but a companion or a family member.

Here are some interesting facts about Alexander also known as Raw parrot, that would force you to get one as a pet.

1. Excellent talking ability

Alexander parakeets are favourite bet birds due to their superb talking ability. They can pick up the talks of their owners in a surprising way due to its intelligence. A male raw parrot can speak 18 to 20 words at a time.

When compared to the cousin Indian red-necked parakeet, its speech is clear and understandable. Its sweet girly voice will melt your heart at once. It can be louder at times while screaming, so not suitable for people living in tiny quarters.

2. Need special care and attention

Loving someone and in return being loved too is one of the best feelings ever. Same is the case with pets. They require your proper attention and time. Alexander parakeets are loveable and require continuous attention. Being ignored for above a certain limit of time, they feel depressed. In that case, they will start picking feathers of their own. If you notice such changes in your parrot, give it the best out-of-cage time and play with it.

3. Gentle and calm nature

According to the pet population survey, in 2017/18, people own about 0.5 million birds as a pet in the United Kingdom. Among parrot species, alexandrine parakeets are a favourite choice of people due to their calm and sweet nature.

Unlike other races of parrots, these are non-biting unless the female becomes aggressive at the time of maturity. Due to their friendly nature, they become attached to the family members easily. That is why it is said to be a family companion bird.

4. Destructive if not supervised

They would prove to be little monsters if left alone or not supervised. This is because they have a habit of chewing wood or plastic made things. You have to provide them with wooden or acrylic toys to grab their attention. This would keep them active and attentive as they love to meet challenges all the time.

Bottom Line

Pets are great companions of humans if kept with love and care. They share a special bond with their owners and remain with them when no one is there to endear them. Give them love and attention they need and thus enjoy the company of your intimate friend.

