3 Professional Gaming Tips A Gamer Should Know About

Ghazal Kainat
2 min readMar 29, 2021


Image Source:https://unsplash.com/photos/Mf23RF8xArY

Are you into gaming? If you just play games for enjoyment or to cut time, you can make a living out of it.

Doesn’t it seem intriguing? Yes, you can do it very well if you play it with full passion and love. You can achieve anything if you love that activity and make some sacrifices for it.

Do you know a lot of gamers say that they have to stay awake for nights to achieve a win? Yeah, it’s right! Even an activity like gaming requires some sacrifices if you want to get paid at the end.

Here are some useful tips for a gamer especially a newbie should know to become a pro in gaming and make out of it:

1. Choose A Right Game

If you decided to become a professional gamer, choose one game to focus on. Nobody is flawless in everything. Pick the right game according to your interest and try to concentrate on it.

Once you have picked it, try to make your reputation in it. It can be done by competing against skilled gamers with proficient abilities. If you fail at the start, don’t lose your heart. Just keep competing against pros either as a single-player or as a team.

2. Get Motivated

Like any goal, the dream of becoming a pro gamer also requires continuous motivation. Usually, people make money and win as motivation. But in my point of view passion is the most important and effective way of getting motivated each day.

Set a target that you have to beat that specific pro gamer and try to achieve it. You may fail at first, but your motivation and love would never let you down lastingly.

3. Buy The Right Gear

To do something, you need all the required tools made specifically for that task. Likewise, professional gaming also requires some gear. Having these will increase the chances of your success in becoming a pro.

It doesn’t mean you have to get the most expensive ones from the market. Try to invest in such gear without which you will not compete in the field. Some of the most important tools required are a console or a PC that doesn’t lag and a good internet connection.

When you decide to achieve something and have a passion for it, nobody can let you down in it. Keep yourself motivated by setting huge targets and try your very best to accomplish it. Gaming can equip you with great success only if you are passionate about it. So, set your target, start practicing for it, and achieve it…it’s all yours!

